

Since 1999, the educational site ‘ Promenade around the cochlea‘ has been widely used by both students and teachers all over the world.
Twelve years later, it is replaced by ‘Journey into the World of Hearing‘. It is currently a site in four languages with two sections: general audience and specialist. It deals with all aspects of the field: the physics and psychophysics of sound, the ear and the auditory brain, physiology and pathology, detection and treatment, prevention, research paths,…

Journey into the world of Hearing

Editor in Chief: Rémy Pujol / Producer: Association NeurOreille.
Designer: Stéphan Blatrix
Technical engineer: Stéphane Le Merre ( Ligams)
Technical adviser: Thierry Pujol, without whom neither “Promenade”, nor the current site, would ever have existed!
Editor assistant: Benjamin Chaix
 Scientific co-editors: Edwin W Rubel (USA), Pablo Gil-Loyzaga (Spain), Nuno Trigueiros Cunha (Portugal)
With the contribution of:

  • researchers: from INM/INSERM Unit 1051 Dir Prof J-L. Puel (Montpellier), especially  M. Lenoir
  • audiologists: M. Camilleri, V. Daruty de Grandpré, A. Lorenzi, M-A. Vessigaud
  • clinicians: D. Lazard (Paris) and F. Venail (Montpellier)
  • and also: J. Marozeau (Bionics Institute, Melbourne), and J. Stone, R. Lewis (Bloedel Hearing Research Center, Seattle).

Editing assistant: S. Irving, with the contribution of R. Faulconbridge, J. Ewbank, K. OwensThéo Ewbank


  • Institutions: Université Numérique Francophone pour les Sciences de la Santé et du Sport, Université Montpellier 1 and INSERM (especially for the realization of “Promenade” )
  • Sponsors: COCHLEAR (Australia), HHF (Hearing Health Foundation, USA), Fondation Agir pour l’Audition (APA, France), GAES (Spain), BIAL (Portugal)