Tous droits réservés © NeurOreille (loi sur la propriété intellectuelle 85-660 du 3 juillet 1985). Ce produit ne peut être copié ou utilisé dans un but lucratif.
OHC electro-motility is responsible of the active mechanism. However, a tight coupling between OHC and the surrounding structures is needed to knock-on the created strenght to the IHC and the sensory transduction.
At high frequency levels, both sides of the OHCs are coupled. Their base fits in a Deiters'cell cup, which in turn is firmly linked to the basilar membrane. On the other end, the tallest OHC stereocilia are anchored in the tectorial membrane.
This coupling is decreasing from base to apex, where an active mechanism is not really needed for low frequencies.
Mechanical coupling between OHCs and surrounding structures
S Blatrix |
Schematic representationStages 1 to 3 represent the coupling to their surrounding structures of OHCs in the bat (very tight), in the basal portion of a guinea pig cochlea, and in the apex of the guinea pig cochlea (very loose). In an individual cochlea, the strength of this mechanical coupling follows a decreasing gradient from base to apex - the higher the frequency, the stronger the coupling. This gradient accounts for the efficacy of the reverse transduction process (active mechanism). See also the variation of OHC length (the " xylophone"). |
Legend. In the scheme above as well as in the enlargements below: OHC in yellow, basilar membrane in dark blue, Deiters' cell in pink with microtubules in brown, tectorial membrane in light blue.
Coupling between OHC and Deiters' cell
Transmission electron microcrographs (TEM) shows detailed feature of the coupling.
M Lenoir |
OHC from the upper basal turn of a rat cochlea. The OHC fits in the Deiters' cell cup. The OHC innervation is not visible in this section. This type of junction is enlarged in the following images. |
R Pujol |
Within the Deiters' cell (d), a fascicle of microtubules (red arrows) is seen at the junction with the OHC (o). As shown in the schemes above, the microtubules fascicle runs through the Deiters' cell, down to its junction with the basilar membrane. scale bar: 500 nm |
R. Pujol |
A higher magnification of this junction between OHC (clear) and Deiters' cell (dense) shows material and septa (yellow arrows) linking both membranes. scale bar: 150 nm |
Coupling between OHC and tectorial membrane
M Lenoir |
Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of the inferior face of the rat tectorial membrane. |
R Pujol |
In this transmission electron micrograph, the tallest stereocilium of an OHC is just detached (red arrow) from the tectorial membrane by the fixation procedure. |
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